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Makefile | 1995-08-11 | 4.0 KB | 170 lines |
- # ASTROLOG -*- Makefile -*- for Matt Dillon's nice DICE (Amiga)
- #
- # (c)Copyright 1995 by Tobias Ferber, All Rights Reserved
- # $VER: $Id: DMakefile,v 1.8 1995/08/11 12:17:02 tf Exp $
- CC = dcc
- CFLAGS = -3.1 -030 -882 -s
- #CFLAGS = -DMUIGUI -3.1 -030 -s
- AS = a68k
- AFLAGS = -d -Idinclude:amiga20/asm/
- RM = delete quiet
- CP = copy quiet clone
- objs = astrolog.o data.o data2.o general.o io.o \
- calc.o matrix.o placalc.o placalc2.o \
- charts0.o charts1.o charts2.o charts3.o intrpret.o \
- xdata.o xgeneral.o xdevice.o xcharts0.o xcharts1.o xcharts2.o xscreen.o
- xobjs = amiga.o rastport.o getkey.o xtras.o
- #xobjs = amiga-mui.o getkey.o
- srcs = $(objs:*.o:*.c) $(xobjs:*.o:*.c)
- libs = -lm -lc -lamiga30
- #libs = -lm -lc -lmuil -lamiga30
- prog = astrolog
- # for the documentation
- stem = astrolog
- suffix = texi
- #suffix = texinfo
- makeguide = makeguide --amiga-39
- #makeguide = makeinfo --amiga
- guide2doc = guide2doc
- #guide2doc = ag2txt
- texindex = texindex
- tex = virtex &tex
- dvips = dvips
- # for the distribution
- distfiles= astrolog.000 astrolog.030 astrolog.dat \
- Helpfile.440 Update.440 README.440 LRZ5_24 CHI_24 file_id.diz
- arcname = ast44pl5
- distdir = $(arcname)
- #
- all: $(prog)
- $(prog): $(objs) $(xobjs) ellipse.o
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -mC $(libs) -o %(left) %(right)
- $(objs) $(xobjs): $(srcs)
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -mC -mD -c -o %(left) %(right)
- ellipse.o: ellipse.asm
- $(AS) %(right) $(AFLAGS) -o%(left)
- # .PHONY targets
- 000:
- echo >ram:000.cvt "*"-030 -882*"->*"*";"
- cvt -s -f ram:000.cvt DMakefile -o %s.000
- delete quiet ram:000.cvt
- dmake -a -f DMakefile.000 astrolog
- rename astrolog astrolog.000
- 030:
- dmake -a astrolog
- rename astrolog astrolog.030
- bumprev:
- execute cico
- clean:
- $(RM) $(prog) $(objs) $(xobjs)
- $(RM) $(stem).(log|toc|aux|cp|fn|vr|ky|pg|au|cps|fns|vrs|kys|pgs|aus|tp) ShowDVI.log
- veryclean: clean
- $(RM) $(prog).000 $(prog).030
- $(RM) $(stem).(guide|doc|dvi|ps) astdev.doc
- # documentation
- docs: guide index dvi ps
- guide: $(stem).guide
- $(stem).guide: $(stem).$(suffix)
- $(makeguide) -o %(left) %(right)
- # $(tex) generiert die .(log|toc|aux|dvi) dateien
- dvi: $(stem).dvi
- $(stem).dvi: $(stem).$(suffix)
- $(tex) %(right)
- ps: $(stem).ps
- $(stem).ps: $(stem).dvi
- $(dvips) $(stem).dvi
- # $(texindex) creates the #?.(cps|fns|vrs|kys|pgs|aus) files
- index:
- $(texindex) $(stem).cp
- $(texindex) $(stem).fn
- $(texindex) $(stem).vr
- $(texindex) $(stem).ky
- $(texindex) $(stem).pg
- $(texindex) $(stem).au
- book: $(stem).$(suffix)
- $(tex) $(stem).$(suffix)
- $(tex) $(stem).$(suffix)
- $(texindex) $(stem).cp
- $(texindex) $(stem).fn
- $(texindex) $(stem).vr
- $(texindex) $(stem).ky
- $(texindex) $(stem).pg
- $(texindex) $(stem).au
- $(tex) $(stem).$(suffix)
- # autodocs
- astdev.doc: amiga.c xtras.c rastport.c
- adoc -c -t -I -Wall -o %(left) #?.(c|h)
- # This used to be the distribution target before we included source code and documentation
- usrdist:
- mkdir $(distdir)
- $(CP) $(distfiles) $(distdir)/
- mkdir $(distdir)/doc
- $(CP) $(stem).$(suffix) $(stem).guide $(stem).dvi $(stem).ps astdev.doc $(distdir)/doc/
- mkdir $(distdir)/src
- $(CP) $(srcs) $(xobjs:"*.o":"*.c") ellipse.s ellipse.asm DMakefile Makefile Distfile $(distdir)/src/
- lha -a -e -r -x a $(arcname).lha $(distdir)
- delete all quiet $(distdir)
- #
- dist:
- mkdir $(distdir)-000 $(distdir)-030 $(distdir)-doc $(distdir)-src
- cpdist -D000 $(distdir)-000/
- cpdist -D030 $(distdir)-030/
- cpdist -DDOC $(distdir)-doc/
- cpdist -DSRC $(distdir)-src/
- lha -a -e -r -x a $(arcname)-000.lha $(distdir)-000
- lha -a -e -r -x a $(arcname)-030.lha $(distdir)-030
- lha -a -e -r -x a $(arcname)-doc.lha $(distdir)-doc
- lha -a -e -r -x a $(arcname)-src.lha $(distdir)-src
- delete all quiet $(distdir)-000 $(distdir)-030 $(distdir)-doc $(distdir)-src
- $(CP) readme.amiga $(arcname)-000.readme
- $(CP) readme.amiga $(arcname)-030.readme
- $(CP) readme.amiga $(arcname)-doc.readme
- $(CP) readme.amiga $(arcname)-src.readme
- distclean:
- delete all quiet $(distdir)-(000|030|doc|src)(%|.lha|.readme)
- # tar cf $(arcname).tar $(distdir)
- # gzip -9 $(arcname).tar